[Piglit] Question about POST processing test profiles

Timothy Arceri tarceri at itsqueeze.com
Thu May 11 01:27:49 UTC 2017

On 10/05/17 14:44, Timothy Arceri wrote:
> Hi Dylan/other python pros,
> I'm trying to create a new no_error profile for running tests that are 
> suitable for use with KHR_no_error. I want to flag KHR_no_error support 
> in the c code of the piglit tests rather than adding a field to the 
> python "all" profile as it seem much cleaner to me, and should be easier 
> to automatically pick if it's safe to run or skip a shader_runner test.
> Anyway to do this I want to base the no_error profile off the all 
> profile and basically just append a "-khr_no_error" command line arg to 
> all tests. However my sucking at python is getting in the way, I'm 
> having trouble deciphering how the test groups/lists work.
> Can someone please advise how I could add "-khr_no_error" to the command 
> for each test?
> Thanks for your time,
> Tim

Maybe I should give an example. So I imagined doing something like this:

from __future__ import (
     absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from tests.all import profile as _profile
from framework.test import GLSLParserTest
from framework.test import PiglitGLTest

__all__ = ['profile']

profile = _profile.copy()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

# Remove all parser tests, as they are compiler test
profile.filters.append(lambda p, t: not isinstance(t, GLSLParserTest))
profile.filters.append(lambda n, _: not n.startswith('asmparsertest'))

# The following code doesn't actually work but is an example of what I'd
# like to do. As mentioned in my previous email I'm not sure how the
# profiles are structured (finding the python hard to follow) and how I
# can iterate over the tests.
for group in profile.test_list:
     for test in group:
         if isinstance(test, PiglitGLTest):
             test.command + ['-khr_no_error']

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