[Piglit] [PATCH] arb_program_interface_query: fix array of arrays case

asimiklit.work at gmail.com asimiklit.work at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 11:38:31 UTC 2018

From: Andrii Simiklit <andrii.simiklit at globallogic.com>

According to spec:
   "For an active variable declared as an array of an aggregate data type
    (structures or arrays), a separate entry will be generated for each
    active array element, unless noted immediately below ..."
Mesa should return valid index for 'vs_input2[1][0]' cases.

Bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=107639
Signed-off-by: Andrii Simiklit <andrii.simiklit at globallogic.com>
 tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/getprogramresourceindex.c | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/getprogramresourceindex.c b/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/getprogramresourceindex.c
index 16b38e2..92d9a90 100755
--- a/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/getprogramresourceindex.c
+++ b/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/getprogramresourceindex.c
@@ -167,8 +167,9 @@ static const struct subtest_index_t index_subtests[] = {
 	{   vs_aofa,              GL_PROGRAM_INPUT,          "vs_input2", false, -1, GL_NO_ERROR },
 	{   vs_aofa,              GL_PROGRAM_INPUT,       "vs_input2[0]",  true, -1, GL_NO_ERROR },
 	{   vs_aofa,              GL_PROGRAM_INPUT,    "vs_input2[0][0]",  true, -1, GL_NO_ERROR },
-	{   vs_aofa,              GL_PROGRAM_INPUT,    "vs_input2[1][0]", false, -1, GL_NO_ERROR },
+	{   vs_aofa,              GL_PROGRAM_INPUT,    "vs_input2[1][0]",  true, -1, GL_NO_ERROR },
 	{   vs_aofa,              GL_PROGRAM_INPUT,    "vs_input2[0][1]", false, -1, GL_NO_ERROR },
+	{   vs_aofa,              GL_PROGRAM_INPUT,    "vs_input2[1][1]", false, -1, GL_NO_ERROR },
 	{    vs_sub,          GL_VERTEX_SUBROUTINE,                "vss",  true, -1, GL_NO_ERROR },
 	{    vs_sub,          GL_VERTEX_SUBROUTINE,               "vss2",  true, -1, GL_NO_ERROR },
 	{ vs_subidx,          GL_VERTEX_SUBROUTINE,            "vss_idx",  true,  5, GL_NO_ERROR },

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