[SPAM] Re: [theme] show Plymouth Script values

Charlie Brej plymouth at brej.org
Sat Jan 9 00:07:11 PST 2010

On 09/01/10 02:49, Ray Strode wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 6:13 PM, Adrian Glaubitz
> <glaubitz at physik.fu-berlin.de>  wrote:
>> Hi Ray,
>> On Fri, Jan 08, 2010 at 05:43:58PM -0500, Ray Strode wrote:
>>>> ps. please do say if i should stop posting here about themes, or if
>>>> there's a more suitable list for them.
>>> Your posts have been perfectly appropriate.
>> What do you think of committing these themes into master? I mean,
>> there aren't still so many available, are there? It's certainly a nice
>> thing to ship with quite a neat set of themes by default.
> Not sure.  There are advantages and disadvantages.
> At this point in the game, the plugin api isn't gauranteed to be
> stable, so getting it in-tree means we can fix it up after api
> changes.
> On the other hand, right now we just have one representative theme per
> plugin "engine", which makes some sense, too.
>> Or maybe there should be a separate place to collect these. It would be
>> defintely a shame if any of these themes just "linger" around ;).
> A couple of things we could do:
> 1) put them in tree
> 2) create a plymouth-extra-themes module that we put these in and some
> of the other out of three ones
> 3) create a plymouth-script-themes module that we put all the extra
> script engine themes in
> 4) showcase each extra theme on the wiki with a link to a tarball for
> just that theme
> Not sure which of those options is the best, I guess I'd be interested
> to hear Osku and Charlie's opinions.

Its best to do it like all other theme-able software does i.e. keep one default 
theme in the repo, and keep the other themes offsite. Although the plugin API 
does change, the theme one will do so far less frequently that breakage should 
be rare. Plugins OTOH are a little more compelling, but that isn't an issue yet.

The values theme itself is more of a debug tool though, so that might be useful 
to have on the wiki.

If anyone makes a theme, I also recommend making an entry on the theme catalogue 
sites as that is where the splashy/usplash themes are already.


Hosting your own files is no longer a problem with sites like gitorious (google 
code and many others) which seem great for this stuff.

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