Using plymouth splash with an Xen enabled kernel

Raymond Wooninck tittiatcoke at
Fri Dec 21 01:00:32 PST 2012

Hi Ray,

On Thursday 06 December 2012 12:49:49 Ray Strode wrote:
> >> Therefore I am wondering if anybody has any experience with running
> >> plymouth and kernel-xen ?
> What version of plymouth?  Note we never show a boot splash if there's
> a serial console active, so I wouldn't be surprised if the the
> "splashscreen not shown" is just that.

The version of plymouth is 0.8.8 with some additional git commits from master.

> I believe xen uses /dev/xvc0 or /dev/hvc0 for the console instead of
> say /dev/tty1 so that could be a complication.  Things should work
> though.
> What's the output of /sys/class/tty/console/active what about
> /proc/cmdline? Have you been able to get a debug log ?

More information can be found on the openSUSE bugreport itself. 
(  Unfortunately I didn't 
had the time to request the above information earlier, but let's see how fast 
the user comes back with this. 



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