W: plymouth module (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/plymouth//.so) missing, skipping that theme.

Elvis Stansvik elvis.stansvik at orexplore.com
Wed Aug 24 05:52:28 UTC 2016

2016-08-23 15:43 GMT+02:00 Elvis Stansvik <elvis.stansvik at orexplore.com>:

> I'm getting that warning when running update-initramfs -u after having
> moved my theme to /usr/share/plymouth/themes from /lib/plymouth (location
> of themes changed in Ubuntu 16.04).
> This is with plymouth 0.9.2 from Ubuntu packages, and the problem seems to
> be the same as:
>     https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2322684
> But the workaround(s) described in that thread doesn't seem to work for me.
> Looking at lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-31-generic output I can
> confirm that the script.so module that my custom theme uses, and the custom
> theme itself, is not installed to the initramfs image. But I'm unsure how
> to debug further.
> The theme worked fine when it was living in /lib under Ubuntu 15.10 (which
> had plymouth 0.9.0).
> The warning looks strange to me (as if some sed line went wrong?).
> Any tips/pointers are highly welcome, as we need this theme to work on our
> Ubuntu-based product.

I found something which led me to what I think was the solution.

It was this line in scripts/plymouth-populate-initrd.in:

PLYMOUTH_MODULE_NAME=$(grep "ModuleName *= *"
| sed 's/ModuleName *= *//')

The script here seems to assume the name of the .plymouth file corresponds
exactly to the name of the parent (theme) directory, which was not the case
for my custom theme. I had


If I just installed the theme as


instead, I got rid of the warning and the theme now works. The theme and
the script.so plugin end up in the initramfs properly.

I have no idea why it worked on Wily before, since the script looked the
same in 0.9.0 from the looks of it.


> Thanks in advance,
> Elvis Stansvik
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