How do I disable plymouth message --text="foobar" to be replicated in text console?

Ray Strode halfline at
Fri Jun 2 17:21:24 UTC 2017


> How do I avoid plymouth to replicate text messages in console?
> This behavior is not present on CentOS-7 but is present in Fedora-25.
> plymouth message --text="foobar" # => foobar is printed on screen.
> This behavior seems present only on systemd based distro.
> Is there a switch to prevent this?
No easy way to get rid of that behavior (other than editing details plugin.c)

> I'm using a special format that has no meaning in text mode.
> Indeed to display a warning I'm using:
> plymouth message --text="W:This is a warining message"
> plymouth message --text="I:This is an informative message"
> Aside that I'm using an echo that won't prepend the "<letter>:" to the
> messafge to log output.

Maybe instead of using colon as your delimiter use control characters?

 e.g. \r or \b\b

so then plymouth display-message --text="$(echo -ne W:\rThis is a
warning message)"

Then if it gets printed to the console, the W: will get overwritten by
the message
(or deleted if you use \b\b)

or if you really want to delete it entirely maybe

plymouth display-message --text="W:This is a warning message$(echo -ne

just an idea.

you could also use status instead:

plymouth update --status=warning-256-magic-cookie-here


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