Plenty of bugs: any debug mode available?

LAHAYE Olivier olivier.lahaye at
Tue May 16 09:26:34 UTC 2017


I'm desperately trying to create a specific them for systemimager, a software run from a PXE initrd that will partition, format a disk and deploy an image on disk.
This theme will display current processing log (works), steps icons (works) and a progress bar for some steps (fails)
The problem is the following:
If I add the progressbar code, the SetPosition doesn't work anymore (sets position to 0,0,0)
even if I hardcode some values, it has no efffect.
If I remove the progressbar code, it works again.

My question is then: are there a maximum number of images or sprites that can be created?
log uses 15 lines (x2) = 30 sprites
logo = 1 sprite
step icons = 7 sprites
progressbar = 3 sprites

The plymouthd log is a nightmare to read as it is align=center (Why the hell this choice????)

I've even noticed that table.object.image = Image("foo.png"); is ignored while
table_object.image = Image("foo.png"); //works!!! No syntax errors, but the above is simply ignored!!!

If only the parser was written using lex+yacc or even better with an existing scripting language lightweight library like liblua or equivalent...

Aside spinning a logo, it's almost unusable and plymouthd often crash. (Fedora-25 latest updates)

Are there some settings in /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf that could help me?
(left aligned logs???)
(track image and sprite creations and positions in log???)

Is there some Debug.log("message") available that could send a message in plymouthd debug log?

It's very frustrating when hitting so many bugs that slow development. I even don't know if there is a way to achieve my them (in theory yes, but practically, so far, that doesn't work)
I think there is plenty of memory corruption (and plymouthd segfault proves it).


   Olivier LAHAYE

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