[Pm-utils] second suspend/resume cycle hangs on resume

Victor Lowther victor.lowther at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 04:34:58 PST 2008

On Mon, 2008-12-15 at 12:19 +0000, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 17:08:47 +1100, Nigel Cunningham wrote:
> > Hi Brian.
> Hi Nigel,

> > Start
> > with testing after booting from init S, just in case it's something
> > that's still built in after you've done the
> > modularising-as-much-as-possible.
> I'm not sure I'm following you on this instruction.  Can yo elaborate, if 
> it's still relevant given my description above?

Nigel wants to take as much of the userspace (including X) out of the
picture. The easiest  way of doing what he asks is to boot the system
into single-user mode by adding single to the end of your kernel boot
line, or by running "telinit S" from as root.

Once you get to a prompt, you can test suspend by just running

> I think also, the work I did with /sys/power/pm_trace and detailed in the 
> lkml posting that I pointed to in my original posting here points 
> squarely at video doesn't it?  I certainly could be wrong.  I'm far from 
> an expert at troubleshooting this suspend/resume issues.

While I am thinking about it, which distro are you using and what
parameters are you booting your kernel with?

> I find in fact that we (the linux community) are still to this day 
> struggling with suspend/resume quite saddening and frustrating.

I agree. There are some things in the pipe to make it easier, though --
once kernel mode setting hits mainstream most of our video related
suspend/resume issues should go away on supported video chipsets.

> b.
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Victor Lowther
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