[Pm-utils] Please pull fixes for power.d scripts

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Sun Jul 4 10:53:41 PDT 2010

On 04.07.2010 19:36, Chase Douglas wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-07-04 at 10:30 -0500, Victor Lowther wrote:

>> Did you ever get a chance to pull pm-utils-1.4 in toUbuntu 10.10, BTW?
> We generally copy over pm-utils from Debian. Our feature freeze is
> somewhere around the 12th of August (I can't remember the exact date),
> so we have to have it updated in Ubuntu before then. For 10.10 we have
> to also do something special to force removal of our
> pm-utils-powersave-policy package, so we'll likely need to have pm-utils
> packaged with at least a week to spare.
> Michael, do you know when you'll be able to update pm-utils? Sooner is
> better for us of course :).

The Debian freeze is also soonish,
The current pm-utils package has proven quite stable, at least the flow of new
bug reports was very low.
I'm a bit reluctant with all the new changes.
What I can do in any case, is prepare a 1.4.1 for experimental.
Would that work for you?

Martin, what do you think?


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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