Polkit on Duktape

Jasper St. Pierre jstpierre at mecheye.net
Tue Sep 8 11:11:13 PDT 2015

I imagine that libproxy could be ported to Duktape similarly to what I did
in my branch.

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015, 11:08 AM Shawn Walker-Salas <shawn.walker at oracle.com>

> On 09/08/2015 10:37 AM, Simon McVittie wrote:
> ...
> > I personally don't have a strong objection to JS as an embeddable
> > configuration language: general purpose systems often need it anyway, if
> > only for proxy autoconfiguration support (I'm not a fan of proxy
> > servers, particularly non-transparent ones, but large corporations seem
> > to be inexplicably keen on them). However, I'm not a maintainer of
> > polkit in Debian (the maintainers are Michael Biebl and Martin Pitt) so
> > my opinion counts rather less than theirs.
> One of the distributions I help maintain was debating whether to simply
> disable proxy configuration file support entirely or work on
> modularising if further as various administrators have complained about
> the fact that installing libproxy dragged in a pile of desktop
> dependencies (because we were linking to the libmozjs in the Firefox
> package rather than using the standalone libmozjs due to concerns others
> mentioned about stability, security, etc.).
> I wonder if the subset of javascript support that's really generally
> needed for proxy autoconfiguration is small enough that it could be
> transpiled and handled by a much smaller, safer interpreter such as lua,
> etc.  I suspect the answer is "in most cases, but not all, so it would
> break things" :-(
> --
> -Shawn
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