[poppler] QT4, API documentation

Stefan Kebekus kebekus at kde.org
Tue Nov 29 12:43:44 PST 2005


I have started to write a bit of documentation, which I attach to this mail. 
Please commit if you like it (the 'Mainpage.dox' goes to the 
qt4/src-directory, the 'doxywizard' stripped the documentation off the 
Doxyfile, but since everything is well-documented in the wizard, I think 
that's ok).

I had another look at the splashRenderToPixmap method, and I have a few 
question about that

* The API looks a bit absurd. Do you think it can still be changed, or do we 
have to maintain binary compatibility? If not, I would remove the argument 
"QPixmap **q", and simply return a QPixmap. 

* I assume that the method can fail in some circumstances. Is failure 
indicated in any way?

* It seems to me that none of the arguments "x, y, w, h" is ever used. Shall 
we use them, or shall we just remove them?


Maintainer of KDVI

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