[poppler] poppler on Windows with cmake

Saro Engels ps_ml at gmx.de
Mon Feb 11 16:16:05 PST 2008

Hi all,

I recently got the cmake patch to poppler from Pino Toscano and adapted 
it for mingw (this is already included in his fix).
Now I was working a bit more trying to get cmake and msvc compilers working.

I came across some errors which are hopefully fixed in poppler.diff
(please have a look and commit).
The second patch is for the poppler-data package - it adds cmake build 
system there too.

My biggest problem is the third one:
In poppler-msvc.diff I changed most of the classes to produce a dynamic 
library which can export those classes. The approach using 
'target_EXPORT' is the same as for the KDE4 sources. It shouldn't change 
anything for other Platforms then Windows.

Since my poppler build on msvc still depends on a custom library which 
provides *nix functions, I am not sure that poppler will build on msvc 
with these patches - but I will try it out soon and probably provide 
another patch.

with kind regards,
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