[poppler] Cairo Backend for Qt Wrapper

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Tue Jun 23 16:02:44 PDT 2009

A Dimarts, 16 de juny de 2009, Paul Gideon Dann va escriure:
> On Monday 15 June 2009 22:19:41 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > You still have to show me a PDF that has better font rendering in Cairo
> > than in Splash (not that i say it is not better/worse, but you failed to
> > provide evidence)
> Fair enough :)  It really applies to pretty much any PDF containing text.
> I'll pick as an example the "Little Manual of API Design":
> PDF:
> http://chaos.troll.no/~shausman/api-design/api-design.pdf
> Splash:
> http://content.screencast.com/users/giddie/folders/Poppler/media/bedb904f-
> eedb-4899-ba90-759ab7b08ce1/api-design_splash.png
> Cairo with FIR5 and Slight Hinting:
> http://content.screencast.com/users/giddie/folders/Poppler/media/1fe79252-
> a8f9-4741-b354-a06baf3dc0ed/api-design_cairo-fir5-slighthint.png

Right they do different and i can agree the second looks somewhat better, 
still my local Splash copy renders different than yours and looks a bit like 
the Cairo one, don't ask me why.

> > No, most distros would compile it enabled because Cairo is cool and then
> > i would have a horde of Qt purists/trolls shouting me because now they
> > have to install the Cairo shit to view PDF, and sincerely, i prefer you
> > (1 person) to all Qt purists/trolls shouting at me.
> Hehe, nice line :)  I understand your position, and maybe you're right.  I
> think you're underestimating distro packagers though.  They're aware of the
> politics, and 90% of the time it's the packagers that have to take the flak
> from users, so I know they consider their options carefully.

Your experience with packagers is different than mine.

> I have to admit to being caught a little off-guard by your argument. 
> Surely we want to provide choice, don't we? 

To a degree yes, but adding Cairo to the Qt4 frontend is a choice i don't feel 
like giving at the moment, sorry.

Feel free to have your own poppler git repo with your patches.


> Some distros are purist, some
> are liberal.  If you don't merge this for fear of upsetting the purists,
> you're cheating the liberals.  If you provide the choice, the decision (and
> responsibility) is theirs and not yours.
> Paul
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