[poppler] Wrong hinting

mpsuzuki at hiroshima-u.ac.jp mpsuzuki at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Sun Feb 13 23:44:06 PST 2011


By an old poppler-utils on Debian GNU/Linux
(poppler-utils 0.12.2-2), I could reproduce
your issue.


Already there is a post proposing to upgrade
newer poppler, I will try.

I wish if this is not caused by FreeType2.


On Mon, 14 Feb 2011 08:19:31 +0100
Cedric Sodhi <manday at gmx.net> wrote:
>PS: You mentioned that you rendered it with certain specific
>Xft-settings. Do you thereby suggest that my assumption that
>Xft-settings do not apply to this very font, because it is embedded, is
>I tried several combinations of hinting, subpixel rendering and
>antialias options, compiled Freetype with and without the old
>auto-hinter, and even after disabling everything, my System-fonts look
>awful, but the font in the document remains unchanged.

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