[poppler] PDFDocument.h:33:25: error: poppler-qt4.h: No such file or directory

Hongyi Zhao hongyi.zhao at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 21:14:16 PST 2012

On 11/05/2012 07:23 AM, Maciej Mrozowski wrote:
> This is likely a problem with texstudio that it either doesn't use pkgconfig
> Poppler module to locate Poppler in system or uses it wrong (for instance
> forgets to append poppler's include directories, like it seems here).

Got it, just do the following things:

Chang the line 527 in the texstudio.pro into the following one:

      INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/poppler/qt4
         INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include/poppler/qt4

Then, issue the following commands will do the trick:

werner at debian-asus:~/software/TUG/IDE/texstudio/svn-texstudio/texstudio$ 
qmake texstudio.pro
werner at debian-asus:~/software/TUG/IDE/texstudio/svn-texstudio/texstudio$ 

BTW, this the for the following version:

TeXstudio 2.5 (SVN 3406M)


.: Hongyi Zhao [ hongyi.zhao AT gmail.com ] Free as in Freedom :.

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