[poppler] Annot border regressions

Leonard Rosenthol lrosenth at adobe.com
Fri Nov 29 08:29:55 PST 2013

On 11/29/13 9:13 AM, "Carlos Garcia Campos" <carlosgc at gnome.org> wrote:

> - Page 29: we are now rendering a border in a link, acroread doesn't
> even open the file.

Love to see the fileŠ

> - Contains several square annots without any border specified. We are
> now using the default border in this case, but acroread doesn't. It's
> because these annots have an XAP entry for the appearance stream. When
> square annots have an AP we ignore the border, and use the provided AP
> instead. Does anybody know what XAP is? Is it part of a PDF extension?
> Should we parse those entries the same way we do for AP?

Never heard of XAP.  It not something in any spec that I am aware of.  Can
you post the PDF?

>There are a few files that didn't render anything where we now seem to
>draw borders at random places, but they don't even open in acroread so
>it's difficult to say.

If you want to post them for me, I'll be glad to look.


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