[poppler] Heap corruption caused by wrong JPXStream import

Adam Reichold adam.reichold at t-online.de
Sun Jul 5 03:54:26 PDT 2015


Am 05.07.2015 um 12:31 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
> Hmmm, which app do you run to repro the crash? I just ran pdftoppm on that 
> file and worked fine with the same configuration you mention.

Various, I first noticed it due to a rendering bench using QtTest
crashing, so basically a call to Poppler::Page::renderToImage should

I also remembered that due to Arch Linux installing the OpenJPEG headers
into a subdirectory of /usr/include, CMake actually does not find
OpenJPEG (version 1 that is) at all and will fallback to the internal
implementation of JPXStream. So this is probably the configuration that
you need to try.

Best regards, Adam.

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