[poppler] Heap corruption caused by wrong JPXStream import

Adam Reichold adam.reichold at t-online.de
Sun Jul 5 04:31:47 PDT 2015

Hello again,

Am 05.07.2015 um 13:11 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
> Can you please add a few MESSAGE() in the root CMakeLists.txt (around line 
> 430) to see which of the files is getting compiled in

Since CMake can't successfully locate OpenJPEG [1], it is falling back
to "JPXStream.cc", i.e. line 445 in "CMakeLists.txt".

> Also put something that should not compile in JPEG2000Stream.* or JPXStream.* 
> to check for the same.

And here I find that "JPEG2000Stream.h" instead of "JPXStream.cc" is
incorrectly included for example into "Stream.cc".

> I don't understand how this can be happening but it seems that for you
> JPEG2000Stream.cc is being compiled but JPXStream.h is being used or
> viceversa.

I think this is due to "ENABLE_LIBOPENJPEG" being defined in "config.h"
which would indicate that "LIBOPENJPEG_FOUND" is actually true even
though the headers cound not be found? But from looking at the CMake
modules I do not understand this ATM as well...

Best regards, Adam.

[1] "Could NOT find LibOpenJPEG (missing:  LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR)"

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