[poppler] Development process and a bug in glib: return dates in UTC format

Jakub Kucharski jakubkucharski97 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 7 18:16:34 CET 2016

Hello, everyone!

I noticed that the glib frontend functions return dates without
converting them to UTC, while time_t is supposed to contain seconds
since 1970 UTC. I filed a bug[1], sent a patch and marked it as

Unfortunatelly, I haven't ever contributed to any big open source
project like this before, so I'm unaware of the way things work. So
please tell me if there is anything wrong with what I described above.
And one more question. When I fix a bug and attach the patch to a bug
report on bugzilla, should I additionally send a notice to the mailing
list in order for the patch to be applied and committed?


[1] https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94035

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