[poppler] FDo's GitLab instance

Adam Reichold adam.reichold at t-online.de
Sun May 27 06:27:06 UTC 2018

Am 27.05.2018 um 07:55 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
> El dissabte, 26 de maig de 2018, a les 12:09:24 CEST, Adam Reichold va 
> escriure:
>> Hello,
>> are there opinions on or plans towards moving Poppler onto FDo's GitLab
>> instance at gitlab.freedesktop.org? From personal experience, I really
>> like GitLab's feature set, especially the CI integration, and would be
>> happy to help with a possible transition.
> This is all i know about fdo gitlab instance
> https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/freedesktop/2018-May/000364.html
> So no idea

Bad communication within FDo aside, I think that it could be am
improvement technically especially w.r.t. change submission.

One could for example plan to move only Git there (not issues, Wiki,
etc) and keep e.g. anongit.freedesktop.org active as a mirror to start
using Merge Requests and Continuous Integration and see how that works out?


>> Best regards,
>> Adam

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