[poppler] PDF to PNG conversion

Allan Jensen poppler654 at allanid.com
Tue Sep 3 13:33:34 UTC 2019

>> Ok, I see a bit there. Unfortunately my knowledge on compiling is very limited so I don't know how to deal with the errors I get. I install cmake and make on my Debian installation but get the error "No CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER could be found." Even if I knew how to fix that
> For that you just need to install the g++ package.

Great, that got me further. Now I got this though:

    No test data found in $testdatadir.
    You will not be able to run 'make test' successfully.
    The test data is not included in the source packages
    and is also not part of the main git repository. Instead,
    you can checkout the test data from its own git
    repository with:
      git clone git://git.freedesktop.org/git/poppler/test
    You should checkout the test data as a sibling of your
    poppler source folder or specify the location of your
    checkout with -DTESTDATADIR=/path/to/checkoutdir/test.

I tried to checkout into a "test" folder within my poppler-0.80.0 that contains all the source code 
- but there is already a "test" folder there so it didn't want to do that! So where should I then 
put it? Or how do I specify the DTESTDATADIR option? Tried "cmake -DTESTDATADIR=/home/allan/test .." 
but that was obviously not correct...

>> I wouldn't be surprised there will be other errors with dependency issues and what not..
> There will be more, but at least on a Debian system all you need is easily available.
> Try
>    sudo apt-get build-dep libpoppler-dev
> that should go a long way.

On Debian that resulted in this error:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  builddeps:poppler : Depends: debhelper (>= 11) but it is not going to be installed

Then tried "apt install debhelper" and ran "apt-get build-dep libpoppler-dev" again but got this:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  builddeps:poppler : Depends: debhelper (>= 11) but 10.2.5 is to be installed


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