[poppler] Moving up our "minimum" Linux base

Philipp Knechtges philipp-dev at knechtges.com
Wed Dec 2 20:18:09 UTC 2020

I personally do not mind, but could you elaborate on what in particular 
you consider too old about 16.04?

 From your recent commit series I would guess you are not satisfied with 
CMake? Or is it the GCC version? Is it some specific feature you are 
missing in the current setup?

FWIW, LLVM seems to be a project which is quite fast at making newer 
CMake versions compulsory. Currently they require CMake version 3.13.4, 
which would not be present in 18.04, which has 3.10.2 afaik. So compared 
to them, a move to requiring some equivalent set of tools as found on 
18.04 could be considered conservative ;)

In the end it is your choice, but speaking for myself I would propose 
that one drives this process more from the feature side. You encounter a 
missing feature (e.g. Cmake policy you would like to have), you check 
what version of CMake is minimally required to provide this feature, and 
if this feature in not just in the latest distro releases, go ahead and 
introduce it?

Just my 20 cents. Best regards


Am 02.12.20 um 18:00 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
> Right now our minimum Linux base as "guaranteed" by the gitlab CI is Ubuntu 16.04.
> I'd like to move that to Ubuntu 18.04.
> As far as i understand no "old distro" is updating the poppler package, the having relatively old requirements is there to make it easier for "everyone" that wants to build poppler to be able to use their current distribution to do so without having to worry that they need something released last week.
> But I *think* that "linux" developers should probably be using a distibution that is newer than 2.5 years.
> Opinions?
> Cheers,
>    Albert
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