[Portland] Portland wiki

nf2 nf2 at scheinwelt.at
Mon Dec 12 17:35:47 EET 2005

May i add this to the wiki?

== Launch a viewer or editor for a file, mime-type, or URL ==

- should the user be able to choose from a list of applications? (That's 
something i don't like about Mozilla Thunderbird: it only shows the 
default application for opening attachments).

== Access resources provided by a Virtual File System layer ==


- downloadFile
- uploadFile


- getFile (read) *)
  -- Mime-Type and Filesize callback like in KIO? *)
  -- start from a certain byte-offset?
- putFile (write)
  -- append Mode?
- getDir
- getFileInfo *)
- getFileInfoAndMimeType (slow mimetype detection)
- setFileAttributes
- Move, copy, and delete File/Folder

*) I have already tried to implement getFile (including mimetype and 
filesize callback)  and getFileInfo with my prototype and have been able 
to make the KIO and Gnome-VFS backends to match in behavior (that they 
return the same information). I guess also the advanced VFS operations 
would work, regardless of using IPC or not.


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