[Portland] Repository needed

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Thu Mar 2 15:18:27 EET 2006

Sorry for accidentally replying to you instead of the list :-/

On Thursday 02 March 2006 14:03, Lubos Lunak wrote:
> On Thursday 02 March 2006 12:22, Kevin Krammer wrote:

> > Builds fine after I made this change:
> >
> > Index: configure.ac
> > -AC_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)
> > +AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)
>  I just copied most of that from somewhere, feel free to fix in CVS.

Haven't asked for CVS commit access yet, if the patch works for you as well 
better commit it yourself

> > Shouldn't the "gen" directory be part of lib or generic?
> > If every daemon keeps its own gen.txt they are likely to get out of sync.
>  Well yes, that's the theory. It's just that theory and reality conflict a
> bit here right now :).
>  Actually strictly speaking none of that needs to be shared, if the
> definite specification is in API.txt then it could be possible to have
> everything for generation separated for every binding/daemon/whatever. And
> since eventually the KDE daemon should become part of KDE and the same for
> others this is likely to happen.

Ok, just wondering :)

Btw, I think the arguments that are files (attachments, LocalFile parameters, 
etc) have to be specified more clearly, i.e. are they supposed to be file:// 
URIs or just paths, if just paths, are relative paths allowed and if yes who 
is responsible for generating the absolute path.

If I have enough time this evening I'll try to create patches for the 
addressbook functions.
Any hint where I had those memory leaks in my original code?


Kevin Krammer <kevin.krammer at gmx.at>
Qt/KDE Developer, Debian User
Moderator: www.mrunix.de (German), www.qtcentre.org
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