[Portland] Summarize current plan?

Jeremy White jwhite at codeweavers.com
Sun Mar 12 23:38:52 EET 2006

> If I recall correctly, Jeremy posted a glowing endorsement of the
> Portland project here for use in John's email, but
> his comments were about the "script to invoke
> the email client" use case.  I don't think it would be right
> to use his comment until some Portland deliverable addresses that in a
> way he can use.

Hmm.  No, I actually was fairly cheerful about the
glowing comment; the Portland Project has helped me in
a very direct way.

Of course, it was the analysis/documentation phase that
provided direct help to me; I'll gleefully point that out
to folks that are rushing to a new implementation rather
than working on documentation.

This is an area, though, where I think OSDL could
make a huge difference.  We're mostly volunteers,
and rational volunteers want to voluteer to do something
fun (like implement dapi).

But if OSDL can *pay* someone to do it... <grin>



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