[Portland] Current plan summarized

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Tue Mar 14 23:43:05 EET 2006

On 3/14/06, Lubos Lunak <l.lunak at suse.cz> wrote:
> "The Interface Library may provide fallback provisions in case a target system
> does not provide the IPC protocol and/or the required desktop services.
> Application developers are NOT supposed to include a desktop services
> implementation along with their application as fallback."
>  That's still an open question [*]. My current plan is to go with a fallback
> daemon.

Do you want to require ISVs to ship a fallback daemon?

>  Maybe also "Portland intends to deliver two sets of interfaces." should be
> reworded to rather say something along the lines of "that's the plan for now
> but if you have a better idea nobody's stopping you".

There's nothing wrong with shipping two sets of interfaces, especially
given that the commandline interfaces are (I think) simply wrappers around
commandline interfaces already provided by kde and gnome.
Or are you saying KDE and Gnome should remove their commandline interfaces?
- Dan

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