[Portland] Fwd: mEDUXa v 1.0 released
eslic at ejerciciosresueltos.com
Wed Nov 22 16:55:42 PST 2006
same text with a link correction
Hi all,
the Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de Canarias
(Education, Culture and Sports Department from the Canary Island Local
Goverment), through the MEDUSA Project, presents today, thursday 23 of
november of 2006, in LANZAOS 2006 (www.lanzaos.org), the mEDUXa project.
mEDUXa is a Free Software GNU/Linux distribution developed for educational
purposes based on Kubuntu. It will be deployed in 35,000 computers
distributed in 1100 schools, which represents 325,000 possible users (25,000
teachers and 300,000 students). in the Canary Islands state schools. Teachers
and students will be able to use it through a dual boot (Linux/Windows),
accessing it by a boot loader.
For more information about the project, you can access to Proyecto MEDUSA's
web page or click this link:
Agustín Benito Bethencourt
Coordinaor of the companies that develop mEDUXa
abenito at grupocpd.com
Agustín Benito Bethencourt
eslic at ejerciciosresueltos.com
abenito at grupocpd.com
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