[Portland] Proposal: Rework the current xdg-utils. (with implementation details)

Jeremy White jwhite at codeweavers.com
Tue Nov 11 06:55:10 PST 2008

> Can anyone help get this moving again?  Perhaps a fork is required?

It would be great to have some energy put into xdg-utils.

Candidly, I wonder if it might make sense to move it to another mailing
list environment; I think this list has sort of a hybrid think tank
bent instead of a pure development one that causes some trouble.

I'm hoping someone from the freedesktop.org organization can chime in with
thoughts on whether there might be a better home.  We just need this to
pass in front of enough eye balls that someone says: "What the heck,
it's just shell scripting, I can do *that*".

And, really, we should then have someone who is willing to take ownership of it;
review patches, and either apply them, or at least respond, and so on.

I think the real issue is that we don't have that 'someone'; I did some work,
but then gratefully gave way to Kevin who did much of the work.  I think Waldo and
a few others have picked at it here and there.

So I only see two contexts where a fork makes sense.

First, I see a fork making sense if someone wanted to start
a new tree and thus prove that they were capable of this work, and then
that tree could eventually become the main line.  Perhaps that is a useful
way to migrate to git.

Alternately, if someone wants to try a more complex implementation, I think
that should be in a different project.  xdg-utils is a very simple concept,
and I don't think we should muddy that or complicate it.

But I don't think there is anyone opposed to fresh energy; we're just too
apathetic to support it <grin>.



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