[pulseaudio-tickets] [PulseAudio] #81: Provide for Mixing N Devices/Streams into One, with Separate Volume Controls

PulseAudio trac-noreply at tango.0pointer.de
Tue May 1 03:34:29 PDT 2007

#81: Provide for Mixing N Devices/Streams into One, with Separate Volume
 Reporter:  jrush        |       Owner:  lennart
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new    
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:         
Component:  daemon       |    Severity:  normal 
 Keywords:               |  
 I'd like to have 3 streams being mixed by PulseAudio, going to the same
 underlying ALSA device, with each stream having its own volume.

   music beeps  speech  (PulseAudio devices)
     \     |     /
      \    |    /

 Also useful would be to obtain the "hw:0,0".monitor input stream, to be
 able to record all audio being played, for screencasting/teaching

 In my case, right now it means that turning up the music also turns up the
 desktop sound effects, annoying my office mates (they don't mind the
 music).  I also use a speech synthesizer to announce things.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/81>
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