[pulseaudio-commits] [Git][pulseaudio/pulseaudio][master] 3 commits: null-sink: Add support for reconfiguration and non-PCM formats

Arun Raghavan gitlab at gitlab.freedesktop.org
Fri Oct 12 14:24:08 UTC 2018

Arun Raghavan pushed to branch master at PulseAudio / pulseaudio

5fd17efc by Arun Raghavan at 2018-10-12T14:05:23Z
null-sink: Add support for reconfiguration and non-PCM formats

This makes it easier to manually test as well as add unit tests for
passthrough support.

- - - - -
cda9a5f1 by Arun Raghavan at 2018-10-12T14:06:34Z
tests: Add a unit test for passthrough support

This adds some basic infrastructure to test passthrough support. Right
now, it just creates a passthrough stream and makes sure negotiation
works. We'll add in more tests as we go along.

- - - - -
b176c84a by Arun Raghavan at 2018-10-12T14:06:37Z
passthrough-test: Add a test for volume set/restore

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- src/Makefile.am
- src/modules/module-null-sink.c
- + src/tests/passthrough-test.c


@@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ TESTS_norun = \
 TESTS_daemon = \
 		connect-stress \
 		extended-test \
+		passthrough-test \
 		interpol-test \
@@ -478,6 +479,11 @@ extended_test_LDADD = $(AM_LDADD) libpulse.la
+passthrough_test_SOURCES = tests/passthrough-test.c
+passthrough_test_LDADD = $(AM_LDADD) libpulse.la libpulsecommon- at PA_MAJORMINOR@.la
+passthrough_test_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(LIBCHECK_CFLAGS)
 strlist_test_SOURCES = tests/strlist-test.c
 strlist_test_LDADD = $(AM_LDADD) $(WINSOCK_LIBS) libpulsecore- at PA_MAJORMINOR@.la libpulse.la libpulsecommon- at PA_MAJORMINOR@.la

@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ PA_MODULE_USAGE(
         "format=<sample format> "
         "rate=<sample rate> "
         "channels=<number of channels> "
-        "channel_map=<channel map>");
+        "channel_map=<channel map>"
+        "formats=<semi-colon separated sink formats>");
 #define DEFAULT_SINK_NAME "null"
@@ -68,6 +69,8 @@ struct userdata {
     pa_usec_t block_usec;
     pa_usec_t timestamp;
+    pa_idxset *formats;
 static const char* const valid_modargs[] = {
@@ -77,6 +80,7 @@ static const char* const valid_modargs[] = {
+    "formats",
@@ -135,6 +139,32 @@ static void sink_update_requested_latency_cb(pa_sink *s) {
     pa_sink_set_max_request_within_thread(s, nbytes);
+static int sink_reconfigure_cb(pa_sink *s, pa_sample_spec *spec, bool passthrough) {
+    /* We don't need to do anything */
+    s->sample_spec = *spec;
+    return 0;
+static bool sink_set_formats_cb(pa_sink *s, pa_idxset *formats) {
+    struct userdata *u = s->userdata;
+    pa_assert(u);
+    pa_idxset_free(u->formats, (pa_free_cb_t) pa_format_info_free);
+    u->formats = pa_idxset_copy(formats, (pa_copy_func_t) pa_format_info_copy);
+    return true;
+static pa_idxset* sink_get_formats_cb(pa_sink *s) {
+    struct userdata *u = s->userdata;
+    pa_assert(u);
+    return pa_idxset_copy(u->formats, (pa_copy_func_t) pa_format_info_copy);
 static void process_rewind(struct userdata *u, pa_usec_t now) {
     size_t rewind_nbytes, in_buffer;
     pa_usec_t delay;
@@ -257,6 +287,8 @@ int pa__init(pa_module*m) {
     pa_channel_map map;
     pa_modargs *ma = NULL;
     pa_sink_new_data data;
+    pa_format_info *format;
+    const char *formats;
     size_t nbytes;
@@ -292,6 +324,27 @@ int pa__init(pa_module*m) {
     pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION, _("Null Output"));
     pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_CLASS, "abstract");
+    u->formats = pa_idxset_new(NULL, NULL);
+    if ((formats = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "formats", NULL))) {
+        char *f = NULL;
+        const char *state = NULL;
+        while ((f = pa_split(formats, ";", &state))) {
+            format = pa_format_info_from_string(pa_strip(f));
+            if (!format) {
+                pa_log(_("Failed to set format: invalid format string %s"), f);
+                goto fail;
+            }
+            pa_idxset_put(u->formats, format, NULL);
+        }
+    } else {
+        format = pa_format_info_new();
+        format->encoding = PA_ENCODING_PCM;
+        pa_idxset_put(u->formats, format, NULL);
+    }
     if (pa_modargs_get_proplist(ma, "sink_properties", data.proplist, PA_UPDATE_REPLACE) < 0) {
         pa_log("Invalid properties");
@@ -309,6 +362,9 @@ int pa__init(pa_module*m) {
     u->sink->parent.process_msg = sink_process_msg;
     u->sink->set_state_in_io_thread = sink_set_state_in_io_thread_cb;
     u->sink->update_requested_latency = sink_update_requested_latency_cb;
+    u->sink->reconfigure = sink_reconfigure_cb;
+    u->sink->get_formats = sink_get_formats_cb;
+    u->sink->set_formats = sink_set_formats_cb;
     u->sink->userdata = u;
     pa_sink_set_asyncmsgq(u->sink, u->thread_mq.inq);
@@ -374,5 +430,8 @@ void pa__done(pa_module*m) {
     if (u->rtpoll)
+    if (u->formats)
+        pa_idxset_free(u->formats, (pa_free_cb_t) pa_format_info_free);

@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+  This file is part of PulseAudio.
+  PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
+  or (at your option) any later version.
+  PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+  along with PulseAudio; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <check.h>
+#include <pulse/pulseaudio.h>
+#include <pulsecore/core-util.h>
+#define SINK_NAME "passthrough-test"
+#define RATE 48000
+#define CHANNELS 6
+#define WAIT_FOR_OPERATION(o)                                           \
+    do {                                                                \
+        while (pa_operation_get_state(o) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) {     \
+            pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop);                        \
+        }                                                               \
+                                                                        \
+        fail_unless(pa_operation_get_state(o) == PA_OPERATION_DONE);    \
+        pa_operation_unref(o);                                          \
+    } while (false)
+static pa_threaded_mainloop *mainloop = NULL;
+static pa_context *context = NULL;
+static pa_mainloop_api *mainloop_api = NULL;
+static uint32_t module_idx = PA_INVALID_INDEX;
+static int sink_num = 0;
+static char sink_name[256] = { 0, };
+static const char *bname = NULL;
+/* This is called whenever the context status changes */
+static void context_state_callback(pa_context *c, void *userdata) {
+    fail_unless(c != NULL);
+    switch (pa_context_get_state(c)) {
+            break;
+        case PA_CONTEXT_READY:
+            fprintf(stderr, "Connection established.\n");
+            pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, false);
+            break;
+            mainloop_api->quit(mainloop_api, 0);
+            pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, false);
+            break;
+        case PA_CONTEXT_FAILED:
+            mainloop_api->quit(mainloop_api, 0);
+            pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, false);
+            fprintf(stderr, "Context error: %s\n", pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c)));
+            fail();
+            break;
+        default:
+            fail();
+    }
+static void module_index_cb(pa_context *c, uint32_t idx, void *userdata) {
+    fail_unless(idx != PA_INVALID_INDEX);
+    module_idx = idx;
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, false);
+static void success_cb(pa_context *c, int success, void *userdata) {
+    fail_unless(success != 0);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, false);
+static void passthrough_teardown() {
+    pa_operation *o;
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop);
+    if (module_idx != PA_INVALID_INDEX) {
+        o = pa_context_unload_module(context, module_idx, success_cb, NULL);
+    }
+    pa_context_disconnect(context);
+    pa_context_unref(context);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_stop(mainloop);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_free(mainloop);
+static void passthrough_setup() {
+    char modargs[128];
+    pa_operation *o;
+    int r;
+    /* Set up a new main loop */
+    mainloop = pa_threaded_mainloop_new();
+    fail_unless(mainloop != NULL);
+    mainloop_api = pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(mainloop);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_start(mainloop);
+    context = pa_context_new(mainloop_api, bname);
+    fail_unless(context != NULL);
+    pa_context_set_state_callback(context, context_state_callback, NULL);
+    /* Connect the context */
+    r = pa_context_connect(context, NULL, 0, NULL);
+    fail_unless(r == 0);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop);
+    fail_unless(pa_context_get_state(context) == PA_CONTEXT_READY);
+    pa_snprintf(sink_name, sizeof(sink_name), "%s-%d", SINK_NAME, sink_num);
+    pa_snprintf(modargs, sizeof(modargs), "sink_name='%s' formats='ac3-iec61937, format.rate=\"[32000, 44100, 48000]\" format.channels=\"6\"; pcm'", sink_name);
+    o = pa_context_load_module(context, "module-null-sink", modargs, module_index_cb, NULL);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop);
+    return;
+static void nop_free_cb(void *p) {}
+static void underflow_cb(struct pa_stream *s, void *userdata) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Stream finished\n");
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, false);
+/* This routine is called whenever the stream state changes */
+static void stream_state_callback(pa_stream *s, void *userdata) {
+    /* We fill in fake AC3 data in terms of the corresponding PCM sample spec (S16LE, 2ch, at the given rate) */
+    int16_t data[RATE * 2] = { 0, }; /* one second space */
+    fail_unless(s != NULL);
+    switch (pa_stream_get_state(s)) {
+        case PA_STREAM_CREATING:
+            break;
+            pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, false);
+            break;
+        case PA_STREAM_READY: {
+            int r;
+            r = pa_stream_write(s, data, sizeof(data), nop_free_cb, 0, PA_SEEK_ABSOLUTE);
+            fail_unless(r == 0);
+            /* Be notified when this stream is drained */
+            pa_stream_set_underflow_callback(s, underflow_cb, userdata);
+            pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, false);
+            break;
+        }
+        case PA_STREAM_FAILED:
+            fprintf(stderr, "Stream error: %s\n", pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(pa_stream_get_context(s))));
+            pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, false);
+            break;
+        default:
+            fail();
+    }
+static pa_stream* connect_stream() {
+    int r;
+    pa_stream *s;
+    pa_format_info *formats[1];
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop);
+    formats[0] = pa_format_info_new();
+    formats[0]->encoding = PA_ENCODING_AC3_IEC61937;
+    /* We set rate and channels to test that negotiation actually works. This
+     * must correspond to the rate and channels we configure module-null-sink
+     * for above. */
+    pa_format_info_set_rate(formats[0], RATE);
+    pa_format_info_set_channels(formats[0], CHANNELS);
+    s = pa_stream_new_extended(context, "passthrough test", formats, 1, NULL);
+    fail_unless(s != NULL);
+    pa_stream_set_state_callback(s, stream_state_callback, NULL);
+    r = pa_stream_connect_playback(s, sink_name, NULL, PA_STREAM_NOFLAGS, NULL, NULL);
+    fail_unless(r == 0);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop);
+    fail_unless(pa_stream_get_state(s) == PA_STREAM_READY);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop);
+    return s;
+static void disconnect_stream(pa_stream *s) {
+    int r;
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop);
+    r = pa_stream_disconnect(s);
+    fail_unless(r == 0);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop);
+    fail_unless(pa_stream_get_state(s) == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED);
+    pa_stream_unref(s);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop);
+START_TEST (passthrough_playback_test) {
+    /* Create a passthrough stream, and make sure format negotiation actually
+     * works */
+    pa_stream *stream;
+    stream = connect_stream();
+    /* Wait for underflow_cb() */
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop);
+    fail_unless(pa_stream_get_state(stream) == PA_STREAM_READY);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop);
+    disconnect_stream(stream);
+static void sink_info_cb(pa_context *c, const pa_sink_info *i, int eol, void *userdata) {
+    pa_cvolume *v = (pa_cvolume *) userdata;
+    if (eol)
+        return;
+    *v = i->volume;
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, false);
+static void get_sink_volume(pa_cvolume *v) {
+    pa_operation *o;
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop);
+    o = pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name(context, sink_name, sink_info_cb, v);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop);
+START_TEST (passthrough_volume_test) {
+    /* Set a non-100% volume of the sink before playback, create a passthrough
+     * stream, make sure volume gets set to 100%, and then restored when the
+     * stream goes away */
+    pa_stream *stream;
+    pa_operation *o;
+    pa_cvolume volume, tmp;
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop);
+    pa_cvolume_set(&volume, 2, PA_VOLUME_NORM / 2);
+    o = pa_context_set_sink_volume_by_name(context, sink_name, &volume, success_cb, NULL);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop);
+    stream = connect_stream();
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop);
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop);
+    fail_unless(PA_STREAM_IS_GOOD(pa_stream_get_state(stream)));
+    pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop);
+    get_sink_volume(&tmp);
+    fail_unless(pa_cvolume_is_norm(&tmp));
+    disconnect_stream(stream);
+    get_sink_volume(&tmp);
+    fail_unless(pa_cvolume_equal(&volume, &tmp));
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+    int failed = 0;
+    Suite *s;
+    TCase *tc;
+    SRunner *sr;
+    bname = argv[0];
+    s = suite_create("Passthrough");
+    tc = tcase_create("passthrough");
+    tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, passthrough_setup, passthrough_teardown);
+    tcase_add_test(tc, passthrough_playback_test);
+    sink_num++;
+    tcase_add_test(tc, passthrough_volume_test);
+    tcase_set_timeout(tc, 5);
+    suite_add_tcase(s, tc);
+    sr = srunner_create(s);
+    srunner_run_all(sr, CK_NORMAL);
+    failed = srunner_ntests_failed(sr);
+    srunner_free(sr);
+    return (failed == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/compare/56c1e7c61528c5cf2b66b6193ac348046b3ca285...b176c84a850c8efe75e5f3b3789b30c4238726c9

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/compare/56c1e7c61528c5cf2b66b6193ac348046b3ca285...b176c84a850c8efe75e5f3b3789b30c4238726c9
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