[pulseaudio-discuss] Pulseaudio as a systemwide deamon and as the default ALSA plugin doesn't seem to work right.... ?

Rémi Cardona remi at gentoo.org
Tue Nov 20 03:04:46 PST 2007

Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> Lennart Poettering <lennart at poettering.net> writes:
>> I know that Gentoo sets up PA this way. This is against my
>> recommendation.
> Hey now! *I* set it as systemwide, but that's my choice. The ebuild
> gives you the tools of handling it in any way you want, either as
> session instance or systemwide instance. As KDE and session instance
> don't seem to work that well, I go for systemwide.
> As I do use it, I do make sure that it works, but in pure Gentoo spirit
> I don't force anything on users. They have the tool, they configure it.
> Actually, the configuration files are untouched from the default shipped
> by PulseAudio, so... :)

And I'll confirm that PA works just fine with the per-session daemon
started using the gnome-session autolauncher.



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