[pulseaudio-discuss] Tunnel Sink Question

Jim Duda jim at duda.tzo.com
Tue Apr 8 05:49:49 PDT 2008

The documentation for tunnel sink says:

Tunnel a remote sink/source to a local "ghost" sink/source. Requires a running PulseAudio daemon on the remote server 
with module-native-protocol-tcp loaded. It's probably a better idea to connect to the remote sink/source directly since 
some buffer control is lost through this tunneling.

Can anyone expand on "It's probably a better idea to connect to the remote sink/source directly"?  What specifically 
does this mean to connect directly.  Is this referring to using the alsa-pulse plugin and attaching to some remote sink 
using the "server", "device", and "sink" parameters in the .asoundrc file?


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