[pulseaudio-discuss] Skipping audio on optical output

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Sat Dec 27 10:05:58 PST 2008

'Twas brillig, and Leo List at 27/12/08 00:11 did gyre and gimble:
> I realize I have not provided a lot of info, but I was hoping that 
> somebody would have some suggestions I could try to resolve this.
> I'm running 64bit Ubuntu (8.10). The card is Chaintech.

It's probably worth supplying the output from pulseaudio -vvv (you may 
have to run pulseaudio -k first) in order to see what debug output is 
listed when you get the skips.

I presume you also hacked up your default.pa to get the optical output 
working so posting that would be wise too :)

It may be that you do not have realtime privileges or perhaps you're 
using some proprietary drivers (e.g. nvidia graphics) which can mess 
about with the timing in the kernel (although I believe that this 
affects pulse versions post 0.9.10 more severely than the 0.9.10 that 
shipped with 8.10 AFAIK).



Colin Guthrie

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   Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
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