[pulseaudio-discuss] can't open windows cli

Chris Joelly chris-m-lists at joelly.net
Tue Jul 7 09:55:00 PDT 2009

Hi Fred,

i can not tell how to use native remote sink because i didn't use it,
but i used the cli module by enabling module-cli-protocol-tcp in the
file default.pa (don't know where you can find this file on windows)
and then telnetting into the pulseaudiop cli using "telnet locahost
4712". i think there are issues with module-cli-protocol-tcp binding 
to the loopback device thus it might not be accessible from a remote
host, but, however, from the machine itself you should be able to
establish a connection to the local pulseaudio daemon.

chris at joysn:~$ cat /etc/pulse/default.pa | grep cli
load-module module-cli-protocol-tcp
chris at joysn:~$ telnet localhost 4712
Connected to localhost.
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and maybe this helps with remoting your sink?


On Mon, Jul 06, 2009, LECONTE Frédéric wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm using PA to hear music from one linux box.
> I achieve to send sound from one other linux machine with module-esound-sink
> I tried to make same thing from windows but it doesn't seem to work
> I have 2 questions:
> how to use native remote sink from my linux machine(since esound is deprecated)
> ?
> how to open PA cli on windows( pulseaudio.exe -nC doesn't open cli)

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