[pulseaudio-discuss] Working with PA and jack

Patrick Shirkey pshirkey at boosthardware.com
Tue May 26 21:15:28 PDT 2009

Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Tue, 19.05.09 11:37, Patrick Shirkey (pshirkey at boosthardware.com) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After some discussion on the LAU lists over the past couple of years
>> it would appear their is a usability issue that is giving PA a bad
>> reputation as a pita.
>> I believe it boils down to this previously posted problem.
>> https://tango.0pointer.de/pipermail/pulseaudio-discuss/2008-November/002603.html
>> I would like to get some feedback on why exactly PA is not currently
>> able to autoreconfigure itself to play nicely with jack out of the
>> box.
> Recent PA versions do just that. If you have a recent dbus'ified
> version of JACK and PA 0.9.15 then PA will give up access to the
> device when JACK asks for it and take it back afterwards. JACK is king
> and PA obeys.

Thanks for your responses.

I will get hold of the git code for my testing.

Do you or anyone else have a specific reasoning for using only the 
jackdbus version?  Is is just because the person who wrote the code 
wrote it to work with jackdbus?

Is this something that could be handled in a different way to give 
legacy jack users this feature?


Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd

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