[pulseaudio-discuss] Automatic selection of an audio sink depending on value of ENV variable

Leszek Koltunski leszek at koltunski.pl
Sat Oct 24 23:30:12 PDT 2009

On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 18:32 +0200, MichaƂ Sawicz wrote:
> Dnia 2009-10-20, wto o godzinie 17:18 +0100, Colin Guthrie pisze:
> > Did you try setting the xprops manually? Make sure that works first 
> > (although if pax11publish is looking at the wrong display, it could
> > be 
> > the pulse client libs are doing the same...) 
> Doesn't 0.0 and 0.1 mean there's only one root window - thus only one
> default sink to be set through pax11publish?

leszek# xprop -root -display :0.1 -f TEST 8s -set TEST test0.1
leszek# xprop -root -display :0.0 -f TEST 8s -set TEST test0.0
leszek# xprop -root -display :0.0 | grep TEST
TEST(STRING) = "test0.0"
leszek# xprop -root -display :0.1 | grep TEST
TEST(STRING) = "test0.1"

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