[pulseaudio-discuss] Audio over SSH

Michał Sawicz michal at sawicz.net
Wed Feb 17 16:55:27 PST 2010

Dnia 2010-02-17, śro o godzinie 17:35 -0700, Jeremy Nickurak pisze:
> What I'd really like is for the pulseaudio server at B to show the
> sinks/sources from A, so I could just select A's sound device as the
> fallback (although since it's the only device, even that wouldn't be
> neccesary.) This takes place over avahi right now as I understand it,
> but I'd like it to expand beyond that. (It's a high-speed network, but
> different link-level networks).

You can manually add a module-tunnel-sink [1] on machine B with machine
A's hostname and sinkname and possibly add authentication to
module-native-protocol-tcp [2].

[1] http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/Modules#module-tunnel-sinksource
Michał (Saviq) Sawicz
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