[pulseaudio-discuss] The CD mixer element.

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Sep 29 01:18:12 PDT 2010

'Twas brillig, and Luke Yelavich at 29/09/10 05:32 did gyre and gimble:
> Hi all, A bug was recently filed in Ubuntu from a user who wants to
> record audio input from the audio CD connection on his motherboard,
> and the user couldn't find the CD input as an option in the GNOME
> volume control preferences. Of course I replied back about using a CD
> ripping app to copy audio CD tracks, however the user was aware of
> that. The use case here is someone who has a video capture card, that
> uses an internal analog audio connection via a legacy CD audio cable
> for audio input.
> Whilst looking into addressing this, I noticed a comment in
> src/modules/alsa/mixer/paths/analog-input.conf.common, that clearly
> states we don't want to wrap the CD mixer element. I personally think
> that this element should be exposed for such uses, but I would like
> to hear other people's views about this. So far as I understand it,
> most video capture cards these days have their own audio input
> hardware on board, which is generally recognised and used by ALSA,
> thereby making it available to pulse. On the other hand, I myself
> still own such a capture card with analog audio output. I don't use
> this card any more, but if I was in the same position, I would have
> to jump through hoops using alsamixer to record from this device.
> Thoughts welcome.

I think there was a general plan to expose some mixer elements in a more
transparent way... effectively acting as a proxy to alsa.

But in this case it really needs to be the source itself that is created
(or at least available as a port for the existing source?)

Personally I don't really see much harm in exposing this as a port. But
perhaps there are other things I've not considered here.



Colin Guthrie

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