[pulseaudio-discuss] PulseAudio/alsa_plugins bugs without Wine

Tanu Kaskinen tanuk at iki.fi
Sun Feb 12 07:07:50 PST 2012

On Mon, 2012-01-09 at 15:23 +0100, Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at t-systems.com
> What I want to see happen is for the PA + alsa_plugin combination to
> deliver its promise of seamless integration with ALSA, i.e. be able to
> use standard ALSA calls.  IMHO it is not acceptable should PA ask
> every app to write a backend using its own API.
> The avail>buffer_size appears to be a bug in the alsa_plugins, given
> that it persists after disconnecting from PA. The "need to restart
> PA to recover any sound" bug that people report can only be a bug
> in the PA server.
> I'm sorry I've not written a C equivalent of my trivial CLISP FFI code,
> nor do I have any machine with the latest PA -- the most recent one is
> running Ubuntu Lucid.
> Do you believe posting the Common Lisp code to the PA bugtracker would help?

Yes, if you have some simple test programs available that can be used to
reproduce some bug in the alsa plugin, that would likely be helpful if
someone finds the time to work on this (I can't promise anything,
unfortunately, but it certainly sounds quite bad if Pulseaudio doesn't
handle the "safe subset" of the alsa interface well).


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