[pulseaudio-discuss] RFC: default-fragments = 8 in default install

Tanu Kaskinen tanuk at iki.fi
Mon Jan 16 12:59:09 PST 2012

On Mon, 2012-01-16 at 13:22 -0700, Kelly Anderson wrote:
> Hi,
> I was just wondering if there is any reason why PulseAudio couldn't be 
> changed to use default-fragments = 8 as the default.
> The reason why I ask is that Wine/alsa is a total mess with 
> default-fragments = 4.  I've changed three different machines to
> default-fragments = 8 and wine 1.3.37/alsa works just fine.  It seems to 
> me that if changing this setting doesn't break anything
> significant, that it should probably become the default setting.

It will double the latency from 100ms to 200ms. If you compensate that
by lowering default-fragment-size-msec, does it still work better?

Anyway, these options only matter when not using the timer-based
scheduling. Why are all your machines (or at least three of them)
running with the old interrupt-based scheduling mode?


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