[pulseaudio-discuss] Stream sound over network

Axel Braun axel.braun at gmx.de
Tue Dec 24 02:09:31 PST 2013


I'm running a laptop und openSUSE 13.1. Due to the fact that the max. sound 
volume is quite low (and I didnt find a way to increade the max. volume), the 
idea came up to stream the sound output to the network.
On the receiver side, an old Android phone should pick up the stream and 
connect the wired output to a home stereo.

So far so good, I tried the setup in 
and on the receiver side I tried Bubble PnP and VLC HD remote. Unfortunately, 
both could not connect.

- do I need aditional software to stream the sound output on the SUSE machine?
- which port is used by Pulseaudio by default to stream?
- Anything else I may have forgotten?

Thanks in advance, and have a peaceful xmas!
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