[pulseaudio-discuss] Pulseaudio randomly resets

Helmar Schütz haselnuss87 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 29 05:47:20 PDT 2013

On Fr 29 Mär 2013 08:54:16 CET, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:
> I wouldn't mind having a glance at a log with maximum verbosity, with
> realtime-scheduling enabled.


> Getting killed due to excessive CPU use suggests that PulseAudio enters a
> busy-loop. Another possibility is that PulseAudio does some heavy processing,
> but that shouldn't be the case with the default configuration. Have you loaded
> some filter modules in PulseAudio?

No, PulseAudio runs with the default configuration.

> If you disable realtime-scheduling, does pulseaudio consume a lot of CPU time?

It uses about 2-6 % CPU load and ~1184 seconds CPU time.

> I guess you don't have rtkit installed. rtkit should be able to dynamically
> remove the realtime scheduling from PulseAudio in case PulseAudio doesn't
> behave nicely, before PulseAudio gets killed. Of course, if there's a busy-
> loop involved, there would still be excessive CPU load...

rtkit is installed.

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