[pulseaudio-discuss] Make PulseAudio listen only on loopback ?

Tanu Kaskinen tanu.kaskinen at linux.intel.com
Tue Jul 22 02:32:50 PDT 2014

On Sun, 2014-07-20 at 08:56 -0400, Michael DePaulo wrote:
> Hi guys,
> So with X2Go's 2 clients for Windows (the regular "X2Go Client", and
> "PyHoca-GUI"), we start pulseaudio.exe with a script like this one:
> load-module module-native-protocol-tcp port=4713 auth-cookie=\.pulse-cookie
> load-module module-esound-protocol-tcp port=4714
> load-module module-waveout
> This causes pulseaudio.exe to listen on all network interfaces. It
> also causes a Windows Firewall prompt, which is a nuisance to users.
> However, with X2Go, there is an option to tunnel all the sound traffic
> over SSH. So when this option is set, we only need to pusleaudio.exe
> to listen on loopback. Is there a way to do this?

Yes there is: the "listen" module argument. It's documented at [1],
although using some indirection: the section on
module-native-protocol-tcp refers to module-cli-protocol-tcp for some of
the arguments, and "listen" is one of those not explicitly mentioned in
the section on module-native-protocol-tcp.

[1] http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/Modules/


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