[pulseaudio-discuss] HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue

Denis Kenzior denkenz at gmail.com
Wed May 25 14:57:25 UTC 2016

Hi John,

On 05/25/2016 06:01 AM, Jomon John wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to configure HFP with Bluez(5.34), Ofono(1.17) and pulseaudio(6) on a Freescale i.MX6 board using Linux 4.1.15 kernel, the idea is to use the target board in HFP/Handsfree Unit role. The bluetooth controller is a Pluggable USB Bluetooth Dongle (0a5c:21e8 - BCM20702A0) with updated firmware.
> The procedure followed is,
> * Pair & connect with the android mobile phone with the bluetoothctl
> * Enable modem and dial number using ofono test scripts
> After this the call is being made but the audio routing fails with "Reject SCO : Agent not registered" message from oFono. While checking with btmon its found that the SCO Connect Request has been rejected with the reason of limited resources(0x0d).
> Can anyone help me to identify the root cause, I spent a lot of time trying different version combinations, loading firmware and checking logs but still nothing.

This looks like a problem with PulseAudio configuration. oFono does not 
handle SCO data, PulseAudio does that. In order to do that, PulseAudio 
needs to register an agent with oFono. Then the SCO socket will be 
established and the fd handed off to PulseAudio to process the audio data.

I have no idea how this is accomplished in PulseAudio.  This question is 
being asked fairly often recently.  Does PulseAudio have an 
FAQ/documentation for this yet?


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