[pulseaudio-discuss] Use two servers at the same time

Tanu Kaskinen tanuk at iki.fi
Wed Oct 25 14:51:07 UTC 2017

On Wed, 2017-10-25 at 04:17 +0000, Vimal Babu wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> From your mail what my understanding is that you are trying to route
> the audio from a User desktop(server) to your  desktop(client). On
> the above said concept I have tried to route audio to client pc with
> the help of pulseaudio
> The following where the steps that I have done
> Pulse audio Modules required at both side
> •       module-esound-protocol-tcp
> •       module-native-protocol-tcp
> •       load-module module-rtp-recv
> •       module-null-sink
> •       module-rtp-send

You don't need module-esound-protocol-tcp. There are no applications
using the old EsounD protocol any more.

If you use RTP for the streaming, then you don't need module-native-
protocol-tcp either. RTP streaming doesn't use the native protocol.



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