[pulseaudio-discuss] bluetooth headset disconection

Shinnosuke Suzuki suzukisn at gmail.com
Sat Oct 28 05:30:09 UTC 2017

> Your attached log ends at this message:
>    D: [pulseaudio] module-always-sink.c: Autoloading null-sink as no other sinks detected.
> Is that the last message that you see, and after that PulseAudio is
> stuck? If so, then it should be possible to find the infinite loop by
> adding extra logging to the code that follows that message. Or if you
> know how to use some profiling tool, that should do the trick as well.

I there any logging option to the pulseaudio?
I know only the way to get logging info by adding boot argument -vvvv.
Should I have to add a extra logging code to the pulseaudio?
Or Should I use a debug tool like gdb to find a stuck point?

Best Regards,
Shinnosuke Suzuki
> On Oct 8, 2017, at 3:51, Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk at iki.fi> wrote:
> On Mon, 2017-10-02 at 10:37 +0900, Shinnosuke Suzuki wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I use pulseaudio with bluetooth headset, it seems fine at start.
>> I could see sink/source set to bluetooth headset with pactl.
>> However, when I disconnect bluetooth headset with turning off the headset,
>> pulseaudio maybe runaway. Looking at CPU usage of top command, pulseaudio
>> exceeds 90%.
>> I could only kill with kill command not the Ctrl+C.
>> I checked pulseaudio-discussion ML, I found similar issue “pulseaudio a2dp
>> disconnect problem”.
>> So I tried with configuration which written in the post, but it could not
>> be changed.
>> I attached the log for pulseaudio and configuration system.pa , default.pa.
> Your attached log ends at this message:
>    D: [pulseaudio] module-always-sink.c: Autoloading null-sink as no other sinks detected.
> Is that the last message that you see, and after that PulseAudio is
> stuck? If so, then it should be possible to find the infinite loop by
> adding extra logging to the code that follows that message. Or if you
> know how to use some profiling tool, that should do the trick as well.
> As a workaround you could also try removing module-always-sink from the
> configuration. Maybe you don't need it.
> -- 
> Tanu
> https://www.patreon.com/tanuk

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