[pulseaudio-discuss] Fallback hard enabled in pulseaudio mixer

liebrecht at grossmann-venter.com liebrecht at grossmann-venter.com
Fri Feb 8 07:47:42 UTC 2019

I use stock installed for MKLinux (Debian Stretch)

Glad to hear it is not pulse doing it, but the way your interface works, 
sure makes it look like you are doing the sound volume policing.

The sound police seemingly is installed on the distro.
I mean we are adults, We can set maximum limits for sound that makes 
sense. These limits just create even worse problems. I dont need a 
blimin volume safespace.

Thank you very much for pactl.
The following works great
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +10%
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -10%

Now I have t try and get rid of the junk code that is currently 
connected to my keyboard volume controls and replace it with the above


> In pavucontrol there is a volume limit of 150%. Again it seems you are
> using a modified
> version. pulseaudio itself however does not have a volume limit. Using
> pactl, you can adjust
> the volume to more than 150%.
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