[pulseaudio-discuss] PulseAudio 13.99.1

Arun Raghavan arun at arunraghavan.net
Fri Feb 14 10:31:12 UTC 2020

Hi folks,
I've finally managed to steal some time to roll out the first release 
candidate for 14.0. This will almost certainly not cause a
supervolcano, or make seagulls your preferred method for garbage

tarball: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/releases/pulseaudio-13.99.1.tar.xz
sha256: e6a111cc078e6039bf657a3fd1f73dc804c8ee362ca03a0732dc5c38c13e0a0c

Changes include a bunch of behavioural changes around default sink 
selection for a better user experience, ALSA UCM support, disabling
flat volumes by default, stream rescue moving to core, GStreamer-based
RTP support, and qpaeq moving to Python 3.

Happy testing!

[1] https://xkcd.com/2261/

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