[pulseaudio-discuss] pa echo-cancel module and alsa
Monkey Bizness
monkey at infra-monkey.com
Tue May 19 11:00:19 UTC 2020
I'm hoping someone here can help me figure out how to setup my
configuration properly.
I'm trying to output sound through the echo-cancel module but by going
through the alsa device. Unfortunately, the application doesn't support
pulseaudio for the playback.
raspberry pi 4ubuntu 20.04
ffmpeg : 4.2.2-1ubuntu1
pulseaudio : 13.99.1-1ubuntu3.2
In order to do that, i've defined the echo-cancel configuration in
/etc/pulse/default.pa:load-module module-echo-cancel
use_master_format=1 aec_method=webrtc aec_args="analog_gain_control=0\
digital_gain_control=1" source_name="echoCancel_source"
It works. I can test it with :
ffmpeg -i recording.wav -f pulse -device echoCancel_sink test
Now in order to playback through alsa, i've defined a pcm device:
cat /etc/alsa/conf.d/90-echocancel.conf
pcm.pulse-echo-cancel {
type pulse
device "echoCancel_sink"
ctl.pulse-echo-cancel {
type pulse
sink "echoCancel_sink"
When I try this configuration with:
ffmpeg -i recording.wav -f alsa pulse-echo-cancel
Sound is scrambled and super slow.
Does anyone know how to make this configuration work?
Any pointer would be appreciated.
I feel I got the correct overall approach but i am missing something
about the rate convertion or specification.
Best regards
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