Dedicated notification sink?

Mark Gaiser markg85 at
Sat May 4 08:27:39 UTC 2024


Let me first try to describe what I'm trying to do. Perhaps there is an
existing solution for this already that I haven't found yet.

This is mostly for home automation purposes. Imagine you have a DIY speaker
with a raspberry pi. You use it to play music on. Perhaps even with a
higher quality DAC. The gist is that you have a linux-based speaker that
uses pulseaudio for playback.

Now you want to send an audio notification. What you would want to do is:
- Whatever is currently playing, lower it's volume
- Play the notification at a louder volume
- Resume to whatever was playing at whatever volume it was

Are there any ways that one can achieve the above with the current
pulseaudio version?

The following is a brainstorm! What I'm thinking is if it would be
possible to make a pulseaudio module that registers its own dedicated sink.
When audio is being sent to that sink then it would lower the volume on the
other sinks. When no more audio is sent the other sinks get restored to
whatever their level was. Audio played on this "notification sink" is
boosted a little. All these options should be configurable. Would such a
plugin even be possible in pulseaudio? I guess I'm asking if a plugin has
the capabilities to modify the output of other sinks?

I'm looking forward to what you folks think.
Hopefully it's all already possible :) That sure is a million times easier!

Best regards,
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